Water is a good energy conductor, so providing Reiki energy to the water produces in it a special vibration that makes it a powerful tool to take care of ourselves at all levels, and that can reach each of the cells of the body.

During the Reiki treatment process it is sometimes advisable to have Reiki water to use between one session and another, letting the result to be kept for longer. This water will be charged for each client with a specific purpose, and also, in Sanah we combine Reiki water with Chromotherapy, using bottles of different colors that allow to enhance and achieve the expected result more easily.

Some benefits of Reiki Water are:


– Actively helps in the cleansing and purification of the body, helping to eliminate toxins effectively.

– Charges the internal organs with Reiki energy, favoring the recovery of balance in them.

– Balances and charges the chakras.

– By being charged with a particular intention, it helps to achieve our goals or purposes.

– Generates well-being and tranquility.

US $ 135 – 1 Charge/up to 6 bottles

US $ 610 – 5 Charge/up to 6 bottles

US $ 1150 – 10 Charges/up to 6 bottles each

  • It can be used on everyone, including pets and plants
  • Bottles are not included

Disclaimer: The content of this website is based on the opinions of Luisa Fernanda Betancur, unless otherwise indicated. Individual articles are based on the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as indicated. The information on this website is not intended to replace a personal relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not a medical opinion. It is intended to share knowledge and may be of use to you at a certain time. SANAH encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your own judgment, research, and in the company of a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare professional before applying any content recommended on this site.

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