Master’s degree_- Reiki GokuiKaiden

With the Mastery, the training for the practice of Reiki, the personal work and the preparation to initiate students and teachers are completed. Mastery is a path of inner growth and learning, where you also learn to connect people to the source of universal life energy. Teachers are responsible for initiating others along the way, but we also have the responsibility to prepare ourselves to prepare others.


– Be a Reiki teacher

– Module I, II and III

– Shoden Reiki- Level 1

– Okuden Reiki – Level 2

– Shinpiden Reiki – Level 3

– Reiki Gokuikaiden – Master

– Dentho Reiki – Traditional Japanese Therapies

– Symbols

– Mastery Symbols

– Trainer, Teacher, Therapist

– Initiation to Reiki Gokuikaiden

Duration: 16 hours in 4 days, 4-hour class each



Avoid consumption of drugs and alcoholic beverages at least 48 hours before the course.

Avoid heavy meals in the days before the course.

Have practiced Reiki for at least 6 months.

Have taken and had initiation of Shoden, Okuden and Shinpiden levels.

Bring a yoga mat, blanket and pillow that allows you to be comfortable and warm.

Bring notebook and pencil or pen.

$ 1,100

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Disclaimer: The content of this website is based on the opinions of Luisa Fernanda Betancur, unless otherwise indicated. Individual articles are based on the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as indicated. The information on this website is not intended to replace a personal relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not a medical opinion. It is intended to share knowledge and may be of use to you at a certain time. SANAH encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your own judgment, research, and in the company of a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare professional before applying any content recommended on this site.

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