Improving the air quality in your environment

Often the air inside is more polluted than outside. We may not realize it, but toxic gases are continuously generated in our house, office or company, can cause our health to deteriorate. This contamination can cause headaches, respiratory problems, cognitive impairment and even some types of cancer.

Some products that pollute your home and office include paint, furniture, carpets, pressed wood furniture, and MDF. Indoor plants manage to absorb air pollution, have shown to reduce the duration of diseases and also to improve the productivity, creativity, and mood.

In Sanah, we provide consulting so that, through the use of indoor plants, you can improve the quality of the environment in which you operate.

We give you tailored advice. It can be for your home, office or company – from simply telling you which plants to use according to the type of materials to which you are exposed, to the design and execution of an air quality improvement program.


Price: On request – the price will depend on the area you are going to deal with and what type of advice you require. If you want us to visit the space and create a proposal or if you will send us an accurate request with a video of your space, the dimensions and the completion should have the following format:

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Disclaimer: The content of this website is based on the opinions of Luisa Fernanda Betancur, unless otherwise indicated. Individual articles are based on the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as indicated. The information on this website is not intended to replace a personal relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not a medical opinion. It is intended to share knowledge and may be of use to you at a certain time. SANAH encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your own judgment, research, and in the company of a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare professional before applying any content recommended on this site.

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