Through consulting we help our clients to regain their ability to make changes in their way of life, which allow better use of their skills to eliminate bad habits, accelerate their recovery or simply cultivate their health and well-being.

We could say that the only permanent thing in our life is change, and this is not always processed in the same way, therefore our life is made up of ups and downs. We have great moments, where we feel good and everything seems flourish for us. But, we have others where it’s difficult to overcome the situations we face.

At those times it’s recommendable to have someone to turn to, who can listen to us and help according to the situations we have to attend to, since if we don’t solve it our body tends to get sick.

Stress, anxiety, over or under weight, migraines/headaches, skin problems, hair loss, body aches, and indeed much more serious illnesses like diabetes and/or cancer are usually the result of not listening to what our body is requiring.  

So, we accompany the healing process, ensuring that our clients can break bad habits, achieve their goals, achieve self-confidence, take steps towards the life they have always wanted, being more self-aware, getting them to respect, accept, and love his/her new self.


Improve your health, well-being and happiness by obtaining a better quality of life.


US $ 135 – 1 session

US $ 610 – 5 sessions

US $ 1150 – 10 sessions


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Disclaimer: The content of this website is based on the opinions of Luisa Fernanda Betancur, unless otherwise indicated. Individual articles are based on the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as indicated. The information on this website is not intended to replace a personal relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not a medical opinion. It is intended to share knowledge and may be of use to you at a certain time. SANAH encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your own judgment, research, and in the company of a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare professional before applying any content recommended on this site.

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