Mission Statement

Enhance the health and wellbeing of our clients through the use of various healing arts that allow the holistic understanding and treatment of their symptoms, generating a significant increase in their quality of life and that of their environment.


In 2030 we will be recognized for our ability to empower our clients to improve their health, wellbeing, and enhance their state of consciousness, through the combination of various healing arts and a continuous teaching process.

We are

Lovers of life, diversity and nature. We understand that only the present is eternal and real. Therefore, we focus our effort on being here and now, seeking to come back to our connection with Mother Earth and Universal Energy, in order to solve many of our current ailments.

We recognize external sources of energy, making conscious and rational use of them. Likewise, we recognize our internal sources and our ability to heal in the different dimensions of our being, by gaining greater awareness about the importance of love expression, gratitude and integration of ourselves as a whole.

We are positive about the future, but recognize the need to grow individually, in order to grow as a society and in unity with the environment.

We are open to any experience that leads us to increase our awareness level, self-knowledge and wellbeing. We also share what we know today, with Reiki as a life philosophy rather than as a technique, a fundamental piece in the definition of our DNA.

Our History

After working in human resources for more than 12 years and seeing how some people progressed and fulfilled their dreams and life goals, I have also seen how many others – in search of success and what they consider happiness – have lost their true north, have disconnected from themselves and have succumbed completely to the demands of society and the economic model in which we are immersed. This generates physical, emotional and/or mental illnesses, destroying families in some cases and in general damaging their environment, while these people may not even perceive their responsibility in these events. 

In addition, harmful stress has become part of our lives. We believe it’s normal and in fact we consider being able to respond effectively to pressure a great skill. But at the end, what we get is the permanent segregation of Cortisol in our body and, with this, the body’s progressive deterioration.

Listening to so many life stories in my interviews, perceiving so much frustration in many cases, and seeing so many recurring diseases in organizations led me to decide to do something else. I began to explore other topics – nutrition, NLP, yoga, and Reiki, among others – and consistently practice them in myself and others around me. Finally, in 2019 we made the decision to convert what we have been doing in a company and then give the possibility to many more to improve their state of health and well-being; specifying the intervention on three fronts: Training-workshops for self-treatment and Reiki courses at all levels: Direct-Reiki therapy, Yin Shin Yutsu, and meditation, among others; and last but not least a store where you can find various products that benefit and improve the environment, and others that allow us to improve our health.

Our Principles

– Humility: We recognize that we all pursue a purpose, a sense of being here and a different development process, that no one has the absolute truth and that we can all grow if we wish, just as each one can heal himself or herself using their power, and in Sanah we are only channels that favor that process.

– Responsibility: We strive to grow as human beings, to learn what is necessary in each situation in order to transcend our path. Not only do we do our best in our professional fields, but also, we take this commitment into the different areas of our lives.

– Gratitude: We recognize that all situations presented to us, regardless of how difficult they are, are for our benefit. We are certain that everything that happens to us is for our learning and the growth of our spirit, so we positively value everything that happens to us.

– Kindness: It is important for us to behave with pleasure, affection and education towards others. We cultivate this feeling and seek to empathize with our clients, to understand their situations from their perspective with a gesture of compassionate love that allows us to deliver the support they require.


It was a very nice experience, I felt very comfortable at all times and the information was presented in a very comprehensible way. Luisa is the best instructor


I love it. And since the beginning I knew you are the right person to teach me such an important philosophy, therapy. Thank you so much!! All the best

Erica F.

Thank you for everything Luisa, I can not imagine a better guide for me through this path.

Melissa Dizer T.

I don’t have enough words to thank Luisa. First of all, she is extremely professional and took care of me since I first started talking to her. 

I was looking for some alternative to treat my anxiety, and then I found Luisa’s contact.
She was very patient explaining to me all the good things about Reiki, and how I could benefit myself from the therapy.
I start with her since the beginning of the year and I can say that everything improved in my life. First of all, I don’t have anxiety crisis anymore. I see when they are coming and I’m able to calm myself before it hits me hard, I would not be able to do such a thing in the past. I feel more relaxed and ready to complete my chores as I should.
Luisa I don’t have enough words to thank you 😊, thank you for bringing me back to me.
Deborah Neri Guedes

Hello, My name is Gilma Alfaro!
I thank Sanah Healing, She helped me in my Healing Process, with her Experience & Knowledge… I learned a lot from her, how to take care of myself in my life… I could feel the Results Immediately with her techniques… I am delighted to meet her. She is an Angel…with a Vibrant Energy, Honest, Very Transparent, Very She and that makes her a very Special Being of Light… Thanks for All Sanah Healing. Thanks to You for making me Flow in My Essence, in my Emotions, and Spirituality !!! I love you Sanah Healing

You are a Great Divine Angel, Being of Light … 🙏🏻🙌🏻😘

Gilma Alfaro

Sanah helped me find peace within myself. Teaches you beautiful things and i would really recommend it to anyone. You should try it even if only once i promise its an experience like no other

Sergio Guzman

Disclaimer: The content of this website is based on the opinions of Luisa Fernanda Betancur, unless otherwise indicated. Individual articles are based on the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as indicated. The information on this website is not intended to replace a personal relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not a medical opinion. It is intended to share knowledge and may be of use to you at a certain time. SANAH encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your own judgment, research, and in the company of a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare professional before applying any content recommended on this site.

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